Natural Rubber Protects Kid's Elastin
In the excellent video below, Dr Karl talks about the effects of UV radiation on skin.
Kid's skin is particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of UV light as it is thinner and less able to protect itself from the sun's UV radiation, making kids more susceptible to sunburn and other types of damage.
Additionally, as Dr Karl mentions, once we hit puberty our bodies stop making significant amounts of elastin, all you can do is conserve what you’ve got by protecting it from UV light. So that puts even more emphasis on starting that protection as young as possible.
UV light is a form of radiation that comes from the sun. It damages the skin, including elastin, a protein that gives skin its elasticity and helps it to return to its original shape after being stretched or contracted. When elastin breaks down, the skin loses firmness and smoothness, leading to wrinkles and other signs of ageing.
The simplest way to help our kids avoid UV damage is to avoid exposure to the sun, especially during the peak hours of UV radiation (between 10 am and 4 pm). But we know that’s just not practical and that it deprives kids of all that is wonderful about summer.
So the next best alternative is to cover up. That’s why we reckon a full length wetsuit is your best defence against the harmful impacts of UV on young skin. At 2mm thick a natural rubber wetsuit prevents 100% of UV light from reaching the skin.
So suit up your kids this summer and let a natural rubber wetsuit protect and preserve their precious elastin.